Press Visa

Press visa is issued for journalists and representatives of foreign media and press who intend to travel to Iran for purposes relating to their profession for a specific period.


  • Please ensure that your airline ticket does not get confirmed, unless your visa has been issued.

  • Once your Visa is issued it will be active and valid just for three months. Then, it is recommended that visa application is submitted to the Embassy maximum three months in advance.

To lodge an application for a Press visa for the Islamic Republic of Iran, the following requirements must be observed:

  • Fill in  Visa application form (Please print)
  • Fill in  Press Visa application form ( Please print)
  • Attach two (2) recent passport photographs
  • An official verbal note by the Organization
  • Program explanation
  • Attach Curriculum Vitae 

    It is possible to pay Visa fees in this way:

    Online Payment to the account of the Iran Embassy in Canberra based on the visa fee table:

    Account Name: Iran Embassy

    BSB: 062900

    ACC: 11138839

    Commonwealth Bank of Australia

  • A coppy of Passport (At this stage the original valid passport is not required, we let you know to bring it as soon as your visa is ready )
  • You can email the above documents to the Embassy ( or enclose them in a courier bag and send them to Visa Department.

  • Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    P.O. Box 705 , Mawson, ACT, 2607

Note: The Consular section may call the applicant for interview, if it is necessary.