
Ahmad Sadeghi was born in 1964 in Tehran and is graduated in international relations. After achieving high school diploma (Math), he obtained his Bachelor of Art, Master and PhD degrees in the field of Int'l Relations respectively from School of International Relations, MFA; Tehran University (Faculty of Law and Political Science), and Shahid Beheshti University (Faculty of Economic and Political Science).

Since joining Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1990, he has had different posts & positions at professional levels in:

-Division for North Americas;

-Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS); as well as Division for South Asia (India and Subcontinent).


Some of his managerial and diplomatic posts prior to his ambassadorial career to Australia as:

- First Secretary of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Ottawa, Canada;

-Counsellor (political) to the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to United Nations- New York;

-Acting Council General of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Mumbai, India.


He has also attended numerous Academic fora and Seminars around the world during his academic and diplomatic carrier.