
    Legalization of Documents


    Documents should initially be certified by DFAT and then send to the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in Canberra.

    Documents and Papers are normally given in the following forms, for the purpose of authentication and approval:

    1. Certificate of Origin

    2. Sale Invoice

    3. Health Certificate or Certificate of Analysis

    4. Bill of Lading

    5. Power Attorney

    6. Credit and Capital Authentication Certificates of the Company or Businessman

    7. Article of association

    8. Letter of Appointing Representative

    9. General documents such as birth certificate or divorce order


     Required Documents:

    1- Original papers and commercial invoices that have been approved by DFAT.(In addition to sending the original documents, it is also necessary to send a series of copies of the documents, otherwise the documents will be returned)

    *For Legalization of Health certificate and certificate of origin the invoice relative to that document is required. Also you should pay for both of them (The Invoice and Certificate)

    2- An extra (Express Satchel) envelope for return (a self addressed envelope).

    3- It is possible to pay Tariffs in this way:

    Online Payment to the account of the Iran Embassy in Canberra based on the Fee table.

    Account Name: Iran Embassy

    BSB: 062900

    ACC: 11138839

    Commonwealth Bank of Australia


    The online Payment Receipt, should be sent along with other documents at the time of sending the documents by mail.

    IMPORANT & ESSENTIAL NOTICE Condition for being able to work:

    In order to be able to Legalize Trading Documents, the Company must provide the 2 following articles all together which mean:

    1. Invoice,

    2. Certificate of Origin or Health Certificate, and should pay the concerning price for each article, even if it desires to certify only one of them. 

    A. The stamp and signatures of qualified competent authorities of the region, on the legally certified documents and papers must be credible and correspond to the existing stamp.

    B. Legal certification of documents containing damages, wrinkles, scribbled and scrawled text, and correction fluid usage will not be possible.

    C. In case the invoice lacks the total cost of goods or the request for Legalization of certificate of origin and Health certificate lacks the bill/invoice, according to the regulations, the maximum fee listed in the tariffs of the consulate will be demanded from the applicant of the legalization process.

    The legalization fees are per document (copies need extra charges) and based on the following tables:


Fees for Legalization of Invoices

Invoice Amount

Fees to be paid for Original Invoices & certificates 

1  Dollar  to   243    Dollar

34    Dollar

244  Dollar  to  2425   Dollar

119   Dollar

2426   Dollar  to  12121  Dollar

204   Dollar

12122   Dollar  to 24243 Dollar

408   Dollar

24244  Dollar to 121212  Dollar

850   Dollar

121213  Dollar  over

1700  Dollar


            Fees For Legalization Of Health Cerificate  

Amount of Invoice of product Health Certificates


Fees to be paid for Health certificates


1 Dollar  to  243  Dollar

85   Dollar

244  Dollar to 2425  Dolla

187   Dollar

2426  Dollar to  12121  Dollar

340   Dollar

More than $ 12121

680   Dollar
without invoice 

680   Dollar


             Fees for Agreement or Contract 

Fees to be paid for Legalizing    Amount in the Agreement        
 21   Dollar  $ 0  t0  $ 243
 62   Dollar $ 244  to $ 2425
 103  Dollar More than  $ 2426

            Legalization Charges for: 

Power of Attorney                   51  Dollar
Articles of Association 102  Dollar
Introduction of Board of Directors 102  Dollar
Letters of Representation and Similar 102  Dollar
General Documents 51    Dollar